When you need something to believe in, start with yourself!


Transformational COACHING,

to enable you to transform into the best version of yourself.

Agnes Szabo 

When you need
something to believe in,
start with yourself!


to enable you to
transform into the
best version of yourself.

Agnes Szabo

I am Agnes, transformational coach, life coach and autogenic training therapist.

I support you to become the most important

person in your life.

Trust your intuition, trust yourself,

and let it happen.

When you feel that:


you have lost yourself and live your life for others


your life is full of fears and anxiety


you cannot make decisions


you are never enough


you have lost interest in your job


you are overcontrolling situations, yourself and others


you can hardly get out of bed in the morning, you run out of motivation.

Imagine that:


you are enough and loveable


you always stand up for your own opinion


your choices and the joy and responsibility that come with them are yours


you feel calm and mentally strong inside


you achieve your goals in your own way


you live a life to the fullest, embracing who you are


you can set and maintain healthy boundaries.

Imagine that:


you are enough and loveable


you always stand up for your own opinion


your choices and the joy and responsibility that come with them are yours


you feel calm and mentally strong inside


you achieve your goals in your own way


you live a life to the fullest, embracing who you are


you can set and maintain healthy boundaries.


What is transformational coaching and how is it different from life coaching?

Through life coaching, I focus on how you can change your behavior using effective questioning techniques and use a variety of tools to help you solve a dilemma or achieve a goal.

In contrast, transformational coaching is a way of working with you that moves beyond the surface of the topic. It fundamentally impacts all of who you are. It enables you to have a different relationship with yourself in how you see, think, feel and behave in situations, as well as in your interactions with others.

It is a coaching style that allows you to become the best version of yourself. With the right transformational coaching, you can become empowered to change your outlook on life by increasing self-awareness and self-love, and constantly challenging limiting beliefs.

What does such a change look like?

Living abroad and can't find your peace? Do you feel like you don't really belong anywhere?

We will go through what the “I have arrived. I am home.” feeling means to you so that you can open up and take steps.

I am happy with myself and my environment. I feel at home wherever I am in the world.

Feeling empty at work? Can't find the passion in your job anymore?

We will find your strengths and discover your resources you can rely on to find your new profession or hobby.

I know what I am capable of and what is worth improving. I know what I want and I know how to get there.

Are you at home with the kids and can't imagine what you'll do next?

It is worth looking at the opportunities or what is holding you back from a possible change.

I am relaxed, because I have a plan. If I continue what I’m doing, I know how to do it. If I choose to do something else, I can see the steps ahead of me.

Are your emotions running high? Do you have difficulty controlling situations? Do you suppress your opinions?

You no longer need unhealthy patterns from your childhood. Let’s look at what you don’t need anymore and I will encourage you to find healthy patterns instead. 

I allow myself to feel my feelings fully but I am also able to set limits on when and how I let them out. I am brave to embrace my vulnerability.

Who lives your life? Do you know your boundaries? Do you please others? Can you say “NO”?

We don’t always give in because we agree. Sometimes it is easier to get out of a situation by saying “Yes”. Let’s see, in the long run is that the case?

I know when to say “Yes”, when I feel it comes from the heart. A “NO” to something I feel I don’t want to do is a big “YES” to myself.

Am I authentic? Do I say and do what I really want? Can I express my own opinion?

Mirror exercises will be a great way to work with the masks and patterns you have unconsciously applied from time to time.

I am now exactly at the place I always wanted to be. I love myself and I am satisfied with my life.

Is your life full of fears and anxiety? Do you feel like you're giving things up because you're afraid to take action? Do you have physical symptoms of unease?

Physical symptoms can be signs that you are in denial. When the soul suffers, it is expressed in the manifested body. Let’s see what needs your attention.

I feel relieved. I understand my thinking and the process and am able to turn my attention to the present. I am aware of my fears, but I am focusing my energy on my progress.

Have you met someone you're drawn to, and this connection is completely different from your previous relationships?

I help you understand the significance of the encounter. Using a variety of tools, we will outline areas of your life where there is room for growth. We will explore the opportunities so you can start on your transformational journey.

I’ve regained control of my life and found my new self. I understood that this journey is about me; my growth and development is in focus. I am living my life to the fullest.

About me:

I currently live in Switzerland, near Zurich, and am the mother of two teenage children.

My mission is to empower and support you in your personal development through the knowledge I have gained through self-development and my own changes and growth.


This sentence was born in me when I was once faced with a big decision. These words have always accompanied me ever since when I needed to look at my dilemma from another perspective.

Offering support, helping others or healing is a huge responsibility. Likewise, so is not offering it when I see an opportunity for you to find yourself.

One of us already said YES to You – shall we try?

“We met during a well-being program at my company”

I participated in the coaching initiative without unrealistic expectations, but was confident that we would be successful and the program would be very useful to me. At the beginning of the session, I felt empathy from Agi and gave her my complete trust. While she was answering my questions, she also told me about herself, and it turned out that we have some things in common, which I was more than happy about. We were able to use these commonalities to come up with solutions. This allowed me to talk about anything without hiding my feelings.

During the sessions we discovered amazing connections; mistakes emerged that I had been making for years and would continue to make. These were difficult to accept and digest, but I am very glad that they came to the surface, and that I have the chance to change them. The most incredible thing is that Agi led me to say these things out loud to myself. Our conversations always gave me a boost; I enjoyed doing the tasks/exercises given, I always had a positive feeling that I was doing something for myself, and that I had “knowledge” in my hands that I could use to improve.



“Enlightened journey towards self-discovery”

My conversations with Agnes are an enlightening journey towards self-discovery and growth.

Her unique blend of intelligence and kindness creates a safe space where conversations flow effortlessly, even on very sensitive topics. Her expertise shines through as she deftly leads discussions that leave a lasting impact, but without ever being intrusive or overbearing.

Agnes possesses that rare gift of not only imparting knowledge, but also fostering a deep understanding of oneself.

I am grateful for the profound insights gained from her and for her support through difficult and challenging times in my life. Thanks Agnes!



“All conditions are temporary, I found myself again”

I received a lot from Agi. Not only understanding and support, but the fact that she gave of herself, her time, her feelings and her knowledge. She never forced her opinion on me, never told me the “solution”, but guided me in the direction I needed to go with her helpful questions. Even at the deepest points, she made me believe that the given situation is only temporary, and while I am mastering the challenges in my life, I am also moving along the road as person, developing and learning about myself. I was in a crisis after a divorce and breakup, and now I know exactly that everything has turned out as Agi predicted. I will always be grateful to her for that.



“Empowering Advocate”

“What stands out about Ági is her drive and kindness. She listens with intelligence and also has an uncanny ability to pinpoint exactly where support is needed.

Our discussions have shown me that she is genuinely driven to help individuals overcome obstacles. In my case, Ági played an instrumental role in reigniting my passion for swimming.

Her encouragement, guidance, and unwavering support helped me dive back into the pool with confidence. Her personal investment made all the difference, and I’m very grateful for her impact on my journey.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ági to anyone seeking a compassionate and effective ally on their path to personal growth.”



“Career change to be myself”

Agi helped me to solve many questions during my career change. Do you know the feeling of being stuck in a maze and only the right questions can lead you to the solution, but your questions are not helping you? It’s hard to ask good questions, and even harder to formulate the next good question in a few minutes based on the answers you get. In Agi, I met a person who guided me from the first question to the intermediate questions to the last question, using her own experience in a focused and relevant framework.

Thank you, Agi, for all your help, your enthusiasm and your tireless desire to support me effectively!



“Transformative experience and discover the true potential”

I am incredibly grateful for the transformative experience I’ve had with Agnes. Her guidance and support have been instrumental in helping me navigate life’s challenges and discover my true potential.

Agnes possesses a remarkable ability to listen attentively, provide valuable insights, and offer practical strategies for personal growth. Through her coaching techniques which are both effective and insightful I’ve gained clarity, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.

She helped me identify and overcome limiting beliefs that were holding me back, and she provided practical strategies to help me achieve my objectives. Her commitment to my success was unwavering, and her genuine passion for what she does shone through in every session.

I wholeheartedly recommend Agnes to anyone seeking positive change and personal development. Thank you for being an exceptional life coach!”



“Heal your inner child in one session”

My meeting with Agi was an important turning point in my self-development journey over the last 5 to 10 years. As a child of divorced parents, at the age of 6, I had to grow up relatively quickly. It doesn’t matter how consciously or unconsciously I made this decision, and yes, I know, I’ve heard 1000 times that we choose our parents.

Since I have been on my journey of self-awareness and peeling back the layers of my vulnerability, as the picture has become clearer, I have become more and more aware that I have a misunderstood part in me, an unacknowledged blockage with my inner child. This blockage specifically questioned my existence and severely prevented me from recognizing myself and living my life to the fullest.

Agi was super flexible and offered an appointment almost immediately. Even though we met online, I felt her presence the whole time, as if we were sitting in the same room. Amazingly, she was able to create such a safe space with such ease that I was able to look into my problems and finally feel like someone understood me and felt my pain.

With Agi’s support I found my center again and was able to stand in my strength.

I would like to highlight that it happened in just one session. I would like to note that I had already been to a psychologist for at least 10 sessions, but unfortunately didn’t make any progress, I didn’t get the right empathy, supporting tools or questions that could help me move forward.

I wholeheartedly recommend Agi to anyone who wants to finally experience what it’s like to be understood and acknowledged just for their existence without judgment, and to have access to wonderful tools in shaping one’s life.



When can we work together?


If you want to do something for yourself, but still don't know how


If you are willing to take responsibility for your decisions and are looking for the tools to do so


If you believe that things don't just happen to you, but they are happening for you


If you like to be treated in partnership and are inspired to grow


If we can approach each other with honesty and mutual trust


If you embrace your vulnerability from time to time

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