It’s all about your energy

Are you wondering if you are in a twin flame connection and are searching all over the internet about twin flames trying to figure out what this connection is about?

Yes, this journey is confusing, yes it is something new, and yes it’s normal that you seek confirmation and look for a solution or explanation that you have really found your other half and you aren’t crazy. This journey is not for the weak… It brings everything to the surface that was hidden before. Here, all the rules you’ve been used to in your previous relationships lose their relevance. The twin flame journey is a spiritual process, driving people to wake up and get back to source and listen to their higher self. 

Are you thinking about that person each and every day, non-stop and you think that you aren’t yourself anymore and lose your energy?

This is an energetic relationship. As the energy is rising and the connection is so strong, it’s normal that you can’t think of anything else and you are hardly able to perform your normal daily routines and usual activities. 

Do you feel a huge addiction to this person?

Yes, the main attribute of a twin flame connection is the addictive energy. 

There is a chasing polarity and opposite is the running one. And there is not even a personal meeting needed to get this soul recognition, activation can happen online or even texting to each other. Once the activation happens, this addictive energy is activated at the chaser. She is the so-called Divine Feminine in the connection who pushes all their “neediness” energetically towards their twin, which makes them run. Divine Feminine will engage in atypical behaviors, but only towards their person. They want to know everything about this person, they want to get this person, they’re trying everything they can to get their attention.

Divine Feminine can go into withdrawal symptoms every time once they don’t have information about the other person.

It is one of the biggest addictions you can experience in your life, similar to other addictions such as smoking, eating, alcohol issues or taking drugs. And why is addictive energy so important? It catalyzes you to grow, to make a significant change in your life and to leave all the unnecessary behavior behind. Without this huge addiction you would be able to continue your old patterns without going into serious transformation.

It’s about the journey as much as the outcome.

Do you suffer from depression as you don’t sleep, can’t think of anything else just this person?

This is the phase of the Dark Night of the Soul, where the ego dies. Going through and suffering from depression that is more serious than any emotional difficulties you have had in your life before. Some of you stay in bed the whole day, some of you can’t go on with their daily routines, crying all the time and feel that there is no meaning to their life anymore. You can’t sleep, can’t eat and don’t feel like doing anything at all. Just want to end this whole thing. 

Do you feel that they see and bring out all your insecurities?

Your other half came into your life to trigger the hell out of you. These triggers are the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your life to the fullest. These beliefs are the low energies in you which need to be transformed to the higher level. These are the wounds from your childhood or patterns coming from the ancestors waiting to release them. These are the blocks that take the place of creation within you.

Do you sense that everything that you did and how you lived before has no meaning anymore and you need a change?

Your twin flame came to your life to wake you up on your journey and catalyze you to grow. THEY ARE YOU. They are a part of your soul. In fact, both individuals are whole in themselves. They meet to leave behind all the masks that they have used throughout their lives to cover up all their insecurities.

It’s a relationship which pushes both parties involved into deeper self realization. It may not work on a romantic level, but what it does, it pushes each one to themselves. It’s a soul polarity relationship, it’s not something common, it’s not a usual 3D soulmate relationship. 

It’s all about energy. You share one energetic field.

Your twin flame will inspire you and change your entire focus on life. Whether you leave your home behind, move somewhere else, need to change partners or careers, find your life purpose, your twin comes into your life to act as a catalyst for you to awaken and align with your soul. If you think that the purpose of this journey is to get the most romantic relationship you can ever have with someone, you easily forget that it’s all about YOU. It is your journey, your awakening, your alignment with your soul. If you master this journey, your soul will bring you everything which belongs to you, even your twin flame. 

Twin flame journey, this journey is yours, enjoy each and every step.

Do you want to experience peace, live in the soul instead of living in mind? 

When you are in a state of soul, you are in the present. There is no more pain, no more longing, no more desire, just peace and fulfillment. You surrender every day to the Universe and let things come into your life that you enjoy and belong to you. If you decide to surrender and manage to stay there, your person can’t go away from you. It’s not possible, as they are you. The same person. But if you stay dependent or start even a little bit chasing after them, your person will go again. This journey teaches you to be complete on your own, to discover who you are and create your life as you always wished for and nothing to expect but be able to receive.

Do you need support to get to the state when you sit “quietly” yourself and they are able to stay beside you in your balanced energy?

This connection isn’t about gender, age, culture, or religion. It’s universal, regardless of where you are in the world. It’s just about energy. Remember, this person teaches you, doesn’t affect you, you are affecting yourself. You are in control of the situation, not him. He is holding the perfect mirror to you just as you are holding the same to him. This process is a non-stop journey, a journey until you sit with your balanced energy. If you wish to be in a physical connection with your twin flame, you can’t allow yourself to be in pain, can’t allow yourself to be emotional. You need to achieve the quiet surrender state. You need to be the main character in your life. You need to play on your field and let them be responsible for their role. 

You need to choose you no matter what.


That is the law of polarity!

Do you want to take your role seriously and suffer as less as you can?

Do you need support to understand this connection more? 

Do you need someone who can guide you towards your best life?

Let’s connect to see where you are in your journey. Let’s see together how you can release everything that doesn’t serve you anymore and stay on track to master this connection from text messages to meeting your twin flame with balanced energies. 

Sign up to my newsletter and follow me on this journey if you wish to get tips and clarity about this wonderful journey.

Don’t forget it, you never chase anything or anyone, YOU ATTRACT. 

Written by: Agnes Szabo

Transformational and Life Coach, Autogenic training therapist, Twin Flame Coach

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