Thoughts are nothing else but energy

About 60-70,000 thoughts pass through our minds daily, so it matters greatly what impact these thoughts have on us and our environment alike.

Your thoughts create your emotions, and emotions serve to indicate your vibrational frequency. If you feel bad, you are at a low frequency. Thoughts create emotions, so by changing your thoughts, you immediately raise your frequency.

Everything is energy:

The biggest challenge for us people is to understand that we are not a physical being in a physical universe. We are a vibrational being in a vibrational universe. We are a transmitter and receiver of energy. You are sending out signals to the universe every second who you are at the moment. Those signals either attract or fend off other vibrational beings, events and experiences.

You naturally attract that which is in harmony with your state of being and you will repel that which is out of sync with your state. If your energetic self radiates wealth and abundance, your physical reality will reflect wealth and abundance for your physical being. If your energetic self radiates anger and fear, your physical reality will reflect that as well.

Once you can accept that your vibrational self attracts compatible patterns, it becomes clear that if you want to experience something different in your life, you must somehow change the signals you are putting out.



By understanding how to transmit the vibration of your ideal life, you can fundamentally change how you experience the world and become aligned with your ideal life. 

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Albert Einstein

If you wonder if this stuff really works:

Quantum physics states that everything in our universe is energy. 

Under the microscope you can see that your body is made of cells which are made of tissues, molecules and atoms. And when you zoom further, you would notice that the atoms and molecules are nothing else but energies and energy is vibrating at a certain frequency. According to the laws of the universe, energy is constantly vibrating at a certain speed and this is exactly what the Law of Vibration states as well. 

Everything is vibrating and nothing is at rest. Everything you see around is vibrating at a different frequency. For example, your desk might look as solid and still but within the desk there are millions and millions of subatomic particles vibrating. These particles are made of energy that is vibrating at a very fast speed that forms atoms. And atoms will then form molecules, and the millions of molecules will form the solid as what we knew as a desk. 

Our thoughts are energies in vibration too. 

When we think a certain thought, our brain’s cells or neurons will vibrate at a certain frequency and this high speed energy will attract whatever you send out through your thoughts. Your mind is the most powerful tool in this universe because you can change and alter the vibration energy through your thoughts and feelings. And when you do that, you will attract and bring forth the energy vibration that is in harmony with your thoughts and feelings. 

Your thought is where it all begins. As your conscious mind dwells habitually on thoughts of a certain frequency these become firmly embedded in your subconscious mind. These thoughts will become your dominant vibration. And this dominant vibration sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. 

Remember, everything happens in the inner world first.

The outer world is a mere echo or the fruits of what has happened in the inner world.

Maintain your vibration and unlock the energetic holding space.

You need to learn how to close the gap between your intention and the manifestation.

Align your vibration with the vibration in life you want to achieve.

Get tune first and act afterwards!

So, how can I do that?

To put it in a simple term you just need to make sure your thoughts and feelings are in harmony with what you really want. You need to act as if things that you want have already been manifested and you are living them right now. Most people understand their thoughts, but many forget that the emotional part plays a huge role in the manifestation process too. 

You need to FEEL that your desire has already been manifested. 

You close the gap between your inner world and your outer world. 

What to do in 5 tips:

  • set your intention right: most people have no idea what they want, let alone manifesting it. Some people want to manifest a successful business for themselves but the next moment they have doubtful moments and prefer to continue to work in their existing career. In this case they are sending confusing messages to the universe and the vibrations will not be in alignment with what they want. Set your intention right and make sure you understand what you desire. 
  • use visualization to raise your vibration: If you visualize it over and over again what you want, your mind cannot differentiate what is real and what is being visualized. Your mind makes what you visualize real. See yourself as you are already there, achieving and living your dreams. You must see it vividly so that your mind will make it real and you will be matched with things that you want.
  • increase vibrations through emotions: Without emotions nothing moves.  Most people think that all they need to do is to think about what they desire, and the manifestation process will happen. This is only a half truth. You need to raise your vibration to a higher level through your emotions too. Not just dreaming about what you want and hope for things to happen, you need to feel it with your emotions. Feel as if you are already successful, feel that you have achieved your goals and are living your dream life. 
  • believe in the process: Never ever question it and doubt it. If you believe you achieve something then you will do it and move into that direction. If you believe in your heart that it is possible, you start to take action. 
  • relax and ready to receive: Being over obsessed with the things you want, will create the opposite effect and cause the manifestation process to fail. Consider it as a growing tree. All you need to do to make sure that you supply the plant with sunshine and water regularly. Would you rush the process by watering the plant for 24 hours? No, you cannot. You would certainly kill the plant to do so. You can not rush the process, do what you are supposed to do. Then let go and it will be delivered to you.

Are you still wondering if this stuff really works?

Do you have a gap between your desire and the manifestation and want to close it?

You can easily manifest a 30 min. free consultation with me if you click on the link below:

Written by:Agnes Szabo

Transformational coach, life coach and autogenic training therapist

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