Twin Flame


Yin and Yang – Complementary duality

Have you met someone to whom you are drawn, and this relationship is completely different from your previous relationships? 

Are your thoughts circling around him or her and you don’t understand what is happening to you?

Is the other party not doing what you are used to in your relationships?

We do not meet our other half by chance during our lives. This meeting does not always result in a romantic relationship, as it can happen between men and women, people of the same sex, people from different cultures, and people with a large age difference.

What is a twin flame connection between two people?

Everyone has a twin flame but not everyone can meet their twin flame in their life. 

It is an energetical connection; one soul exists in two separate bodies. 

It is a grace to meet your complementary part; this spiritual connection means an enormous opportunity for your growth. Twin flame transcends the conventional boundaries of romantic relationships, offering an intense, soul-deep bond that promises spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Our twin flame is the other half of our soul. One side – regardless of gender – embodies female energy and the other half embodies male energy.They meet for a very short time (it can be just a few weeks, months or even an online meeting) while they activate the connection. Twin flames are called a “mirror soul”; they mirror each other perfectly and this is the reason why it is extremely difficult for them to tolerate each other in the long run. They amplify each other’s strengths and weaknesses. If someone doesn’t love themself enough, the other half will reflect that, just to provide them with the opportunity for personal development and healing.

If you improve, you lift him/her up, if you are in a bad mood and are negative, you drag them down too.

What is the purpose of meeting our twin flame?

It is always about the growth of the individual to get rid of old patterns that were erroneously fixed in childhood or in transgenerational development, and to replace them with new ones. Those that already serve us become useful to us, and help our life and our prosperity. In short, this is one of the most intensive transformation processes that helps to “rearrange” the contents of the backpack that we “carry” on a daily basis.

The twin flame couple has a shared mission (soul contract) and lessons for both individuals. 

These relationships, while often challenging, provide a unique opportunity for growth and evolution, propelling both towards their highest selves.


This journey is for you, so go with the flow!

If you experience these, there’s a good chance you’ve met your twin flame:



You feel an instant, magnetic connection, as if you've always known each other.


You can feel an increased intuitive energy between the two of you; your energy merges.


You feel a deep love for him or her, even if you don't know much about each other.


You reflect each other's strengths and weaknesses, but your differences complement each other, just like day and night.


You can feel that you have a common mission and you inspire each other accordingly.


Telepathic communication and understanding each other's thoughts and feelings are common between two of you, even if you are physically apart.


You may notice synchronicities and signs that seem to confirm the connection.

How many times did you want to control the process? 

How many times have you thought that you know how to do it?

The “how” is not your job.

Allow the Universe to do it for you.

The stages of the twin flame process:



0. Longing for a feeling of completeness

All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.


1. Recognition and Awakening

In this initial stage, twin flames experience a strong sense of recognition, often accompanied by intense emotions

This overwhelming feeling serves as an awakening, where both individuals become acutely aware of their deep spiritual connection.


2. Testing

The testing phase involves trials that challenge the strength of the twin flame connection. Both individuals may grapple with the intensity of their feelings, questioning the reality and purpose of their relationship.


3. Crisis

The crisis stage is characterized by heightened emotional turmoil. Differences and conflicts may arise, pushing twin flames to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. This stage catalyzes significant personal growth.


4. Runner and Chaser

One twin flame, overwhelmed by the intensity of the connection, may withdraw, becoming the ‘Runner’. The other, driven by the desire for union, becomes the ‘Chaser’. This phase is often a period of intense longing and emotional upheaval.


5. Surrender

Surrender comes with the acceptance of the profound connection and destiny shared. Twin flames begin to release their resistance, understanding that their journey is about spiritual growth, not merely a romantic pursuit.


6. Reunion

The joyous reunion stage occurs when both twin flames have learned their lessons and are ready to embrace their shared destiny. This stage is marked by a sense of peace and a strong, unshakeable bond.


7. Union

In the final stage, twin flames achieve a harmonious and healthy relationship, balancing their individual identities with their shared mission. They’re fully aligned, supporting each other in their mutual and individual spiritual growth.

What can we experience if we go through this personality development?


We will be able to let go of everything that no longer serves us.


We take responsibility for our own lives and decisions.


We love and accept ourselves and others as they are.


We will be aware of our values.


We can set and maintain healthy boundaries towards ourselves and others.


We fill our lives with things that we really enjoy and live our life to the fullest.

Of course every twin flame path is unique and the signs can be different in every case.

Every life path is unique but one is common: 


It is a fantastic journey that supports personality development.

If you find yourself in a similar process and feel stuck, or you need a companion or support, come and I will show you how to trust yourself and how you can rearrange your own backpack!